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PO Box 3929
Batesville, AR 72503

(870) 834-4022

Based in Batesville, Arkansas, Pro Se Productions has become a leader on the cutting edge of New Pulp Fiction in a very short time.

Pulp Fiction, known by many names and identified as being action/adventure, fast paced, hero versus villain, over the top characters and tight, yet extravagant plots, is experiencing a resurgence like never before. And Pro Se Press, publishing New Pulp since August, 2011, is a major part of the revival, one of the reasons that New Pulp is growing by leaps and bounds!

Pro Se is the place to find Super Heroes, Explorers, Fairies, Werewolves, Men's Men, and Femme Fatales.  Specializing primarily in prose books, anthologies, and magazines, Pro Se has made a commitment to 'Put the Monthly Back into Pulp' and continues to do that successfully, producing at least one New Pulp work every month!  

Pro Se is an innovator in New Pulp, continually refining its presentation and product and working on exciting new veins of New Pulp to bring to readers and fans of all ages everywhere!

Del Garrett-Author


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Del Garrett grew up in the coastal plains region of Galveston County, Texas. He graduated from the Defense Information School of Journalism in 1979. He took postgraduate courses at the University of Oklahoma in 1981. His news and feature stories have been published in international newspapers and magazines. His sold his first fiction story to Louis L’Amour’s Western Magazine in 1995. He has also been published in Pro Se Presents, Blood Moon Rising, GateWay Science Fiction and Storyteller Magazine. He is active in several writers groups, including the annual Arkansas Writers’ Conference. He lives in Jacksonville, Arkansas. His books are available on He is available for speaking engagements for groups interested in writing and publishing, and as a motivational speaker on personal success and happiness. To contact him, visit his web page,, or e-mail him at

Pro Se Presents March 2013 comes out shooting, punching, and fighting with five great tales of action, adventure, intrigue, and all out Pulp! EXTRA SIZED ISSUE! Featuring three winners of the 2012 Pro Se sponsored White County, Arkansas Writers Competition, this issue opens up with Six Guns, Desperadoes, and men willing to die for what's right! Also featuring the debut story of author Jaime Ramos! And the debut of a pair of new characters destined to be a force in New Pulp- The first adventure of STONE KOLDE by Alyssa Swift and Tommy Hancock premieres in PRO SE PRESENTS MARCH 2013! Featuring a stunning cover by Marc Guerrero and Format and Design by Sean Ali and Ebook design by Russ Anderson, get all the Pulp You can handle in the latest issue of PRO SE PRESENTS!