MARKETING INTERN WANTED- Pro Se Productions is currently seeking to fill the position of Marketing Intern.
This position will assist with various aspects of advertising and increasing awareness of Pro Se publications and the company itself. Duties will include, but not be limited to- Helping to increasing Pro Se's online presence via social networking as well as expanding the reach of Pro Se's marketing beyond its current range; developing marketing strategies and campaigns to promote Pro Se; contributing to ad copy as well as other forms of promotion (ads, events, etc.); expanding Pro Se's current list of marketing contacts; researching any and all possible advertising/marketing/promotion tools, techniques, and routes; and working closely with and under the supervision of the Editor in Chief and Director of Corporate Operations and the Marketing Coordinator (when said position is fille).
COMPENSATION-This position is currently unpaid, although the person in this position will receive free digital copies of Pro Se's entire catalog upon request and staff/creator discounts on any Pro Se product. Also, Pro Se will provide positive references in the form of letters and/or other form of contact for anyone who serves in this position and performs well. Required hours per week will range from 10 to 15 hours. The internship has an open ended completion date and is negotiable from 90 days up to 12 months.
If interested in this position, email Kristi King-Morgan, Director of Corporate Operations, at, either with a statement of interest in the position and/or a resume related to the position. Also, refer any questions to the above address.
EDITORS WANTED- Pro Se Productions is currently seeking to expand its editorial staff. Pro Se maintains two teams of Editors. These positions are outlined as follows:
CONTENT EDITORS- Content Editors are assigned to any work Pro Se produces. Content Editors are required to understand the subject matter/genre/story being told in works assigned to them and to help authors follow parameters for stories, either established by a Bible, if the work is part of a certain imprint, or simply to make sure it meets the qualifications of Genre Fiction. Content Editors review works assigned to them for continuity issues, plot holes, implausible beginnings, events, and conclusions, as well as any other content problems. The Content Editor will be the first editor assigned and will work closely with the Author as well as the Director of Corporate Operations in completing the task assigned. Although deadlines are flexible, Pro Se encourages that 30,000 word books be content edited within 30 days of being assigned to a Content Editor and 60,000 word manuscripts be content edited within 60 days of being assigned.
COPY EDITORS- Copy Editors are assigned to any work Pro Se produces except for the Pro Se Presents Magazine (which has its own editing staff). Copy Editors are required to review manuscripts after Content Editing is completed. Copy Editors review manuscripts checking spelling, grammar, sentence construction, and other issues related to presentation and clarity. The Copy Editor will be the second editor assigned and will work closely with the Author as well as the Director of Corporate Operations in completing the task assigned. Although deadlines are flexible, Pro Se encourages that 30,000 word books be content edited within 30 days of being assigned to a Content Editor and 30,000 word manuscripts be content edited within 60 days of being assigned.
COMPENSATION- These positions are currently unpaid, although each Editor will receive free digital copies of Pro Se's entire catalog upon request. Also, Pro Se will provide positive references in the form of letters and/or other form of contact for anyone who serves in either of these positions and performs well.
If interested in either position, email Kristi King-Morgan, Director of Corporate Operations, at to receive a short piece as a test edit. Although experience is not required, it is preferred. Please list any editing experience you have had in your inquiry. Refer any questions to the same address.