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PO Box 3929
Batesville, AR 72503

(870) 834-4022

Based in Batesville, Arkansas, Pro Se Productions has become a leader on the cutting edge of New Pulp Fiction in a very short time.

Pulp Fiction, known by many names and identified as being action/adventure, fast paced, hero versus villain, over the top characters and tight, yet extravagant plots, is experiencing a resurgence like never before. And Pro Se Press, publishing New Pulp since August, 2011, is a major part of the revival, one of the reasons that New Pulp is growing by leaps and bounds!

Pro Se is the place to find Super Heroes, Explorers, Fairies, Werewolves, Men's Men, and Femme Fatales.  Specializing primarily in prose books, anthologies, and magazines, Pro Se has made a commitment to 'Put the Monthly Back into Pulp' and continues to do that successfully, producing at least one New Pulp work every month!  

Pro Se is an innovator in New Pulp, continually refining its presentation and product and working on exciting new veins of New Pulp to bring to readers and fans of all ages everywhere!

Frank Schildiner-Author/Staff


Frank Schildiner

Frank Schildiner has been a pulp fan since a friend gave him a gift of Philip Jose Farmer’s TARZAN ALIVE. Since that time he has published articles on Hellboy, the Frankenstein films, Dark Shadows and the television’s Lovecraftian links. He is a regular contributor to the fictional series TALES OF THE SHADOWMEN and has been published in SECRET AGENT X Volumes 3 and 4 and RAVENWOOD, STEPSON OF MYSTERY, THE BLACK BAT MYSTERY by Airship 27, THE NEW ADVENTURES OF THUNDER JIM and THE NEW ADVENTURES OF RICHARD KNIGHT by Pro Se Production and THE AVENGER: THE JUSTICE FILES by Moonstone.

His current project include several more pulps, a book for Black Coat Press and a short story using his favorite Fletcher Hanks character, Stardust the Super Wizard. Frank works as a martial arts instructor at Amorosi’s Mixed Martial Arts. He resides in New Jersey with his wife Gail who is his top supporter.

Noted New Pulp and Genre Fiction Author Frank Schildiner takes readers back in time to an era when music was hot and monster bugs were huge. Schildiner’s Big Ol’ Scorpion is the latest Pro Se Single Shot from Pro Se Productions! 

Big Ol’ Scorpion is the tale as classic as fiction itself. A Rockabilly guitarist comes to town and ends up facing down a giant monster, straight out of the atomic era. The pages almost flicker like a black and white television as Schildiner reaches back to the era of 1950s nuclear fear inspired mutation movies and pits a musician playing the Devil’s music against everyone’s worst nightmare.

To Some He Was Q, America's Secret Weapon... To Others, He was a Millionaire Flyboy... To All Who Practiced Evil, However... He Was Hell From On High! From the Past Flies New Tales of One of Pulp's Forgotten Heroes! Pro Se Productions in conjunction with Altus Press presents the first volume in its PULP OBSCURA line! Bringing Adventures and Heroes Lost in Yesterday Blazing to Life in New Pulp Tales Today! Six high flying, wild and weird adventures from I A Watson, Barry Reese, Frank Schildiner, Joshua Reynolds, Terry Alexander, and Adam Lance Garcia! Fly with this Hero of the Airways as he battles threats to America from the common to the extraordinary! The first New Stories since 1942! Pulp Obscura Proudly presents THE NEW ADVENTURES OF RICHARD KNIGHT!

From A Mysterious Island Hidden in the Pacific Comes a Man Known to Friend and foe alike. Genius. Scientific Wizard. Adventurer. Troubleshooter. Hero. A Force For Justice That Strikes Like Thunder! Pro Se Productions, in conjunction with Altus Press, Presents THE NEW ADVENTURES OF THUNDER JIM WADE! The latest in the PULP OBSCURA line, THE NEW ADVENTURES OF THUNDER JIM WADE features brand new tales of this classic Hero by six of the finest writers of New Pulp today! Two fisted action flies from yesterday into today thanks to Andrew Salmon, Ashley Mangin, Barry Reese, Frank Schildiner, Mark Squirek, and Nick Ahlhelm with fantastic art from Mike Fyles THE NEW ADVENTURES OF THUNDER JIM WADE give the world exactly what it needs today! A Hero Ready for Whatever Evil Throws at Him! Pulp Obscura Presents THE NEW ADVENTURES OF THUNDER JIM WADE from Pro Se Productions!

Pro Se Presents #7 Brings Thrills and Chills Like None You've Ever Seen! Fan Favorite The Silver Manticore returns for another story! Noted New Pulp Author Van Allen Plexico debuts his latest novel character, HAWK, in a story exclusive for Pro Se! And Frank Schildiner's newest Weird Hero, Lee Cohen, Monster Mobster, debuts and is featured on this stunning cover by Sean E. Ali! Get Scared, Spaced, and Masked all in this issue of PRO SE PRESENTS! Puttin' The Monthly Back Into Pulp!

From Out of the Past Comes a New Tale of A Hero Who Strikes Like Thunder! Pro Se Productions in conjunction with Altus Press presents a new volume in its PULP OBSCURA line - THE NEW ADVENTURES OF THUNDER JIM WADE VOLUME TWO: THE HORROR OF HYPERBOREA by Frank Schildiner! A madman's desperate quest for a fabled lost civilization! A brilliant scientist kidnapped! A menace unimaginable! These are fragments of a greater mystery that sets thunder Jim Wade on a collision course with THE HORROR OF HYPERBOREA! From Pulp Obscura and Pro Se Productions!

A sea captain fights an ancient evil, a rockabilly musician battles a scorpion the size of a Cadillac, a gangster takes on the spawn of Cthulhu, a French comic wizard takes on evils in the modern world. These are just a few of the thrills and chills you will get in First Seas and Other Tales. Amazon bestselling author Frank Schildiner’s collection of pulp tales breaks into new ground for this growing genre, telling tales of noble knights in the time of King Henry IV, a Roman nobleman fighting the demons and even a hero from France’s legendary Hexagon Comics Universe taking on terrible monsters who seek to destroy the Earth. Giant scorpions, evil demons, and a bored bureaucrat dealing with fake witches and vampires from Alabama are just a few of the chills and thrills in Frank Schildiner’s First Seas and Other Tales! From Pro Se Productions.

In the deepest heart of the Amazon rainforest, a team of explorers are about to place their lives in the deepest peril. They will face eldritch horrors, ancient mythological monsters and nightmares of long forgotten empires. But unknown to them, a secret protector is in their party. This being, an ancient, inhuman sentinel of justice will attempt to guide them through the horrific dangers of lost Lemuria. He is the IRON SKULL! The Iron Skull, originally created by comic legend Carl Burgos for Centaur Comics, appeared as a backup feature in AMAZING-MAN COMICS #1. He was reimagined by Frank Schildiner and Jay Piscopo who present to you a unique and surreal adventure starring this almost forgotten hero of comic legend. Jay Piscopo's THE LAST DOMINION brings THE IRON SKULL by Frank Schildiner to life! From Pro Se Productions.

Author Frank Schildiner, known for writing wild tales across several genres, takes a swing at the supernatural 1960s in his own Pro Se Single Shot Signature Series-JOHNNY RICH! The first tale in this new short story series, SATANIC SPIES AND OTHER MUSICALS, Johnny Rich, noble, occult expert and spy and his beautiful partner, scientist and martial artist only known as Ma, find their services requested by a major player in British intelligence. Their mission-find the daughter of an earl who has been entranced by a musician cult leader with a very murky background. So murky than May and Johnny Rich may drowned in it!