Jason Fedora- Author
jason fedora- Author
Jason Fedora’s writing career started when an Elementary teacher had her students write an Easter story. While everyone else wrote of fluffy bunnies and family, Jason wrote about an Easter egg hunt that became the battle ground between the Autobots and the Decepticons. Jason has come a long way from that five page short story. He has recently had the Truth of Betrayal, an epic fantasy, published by Dark Oak Press. The second book to The Truth of Betrayal, Gates of Worlds has been accepted by Dark Oak and is undergoing edits. Jason has Dakota Bell and the Cintamani Stone an alternate history short story to be released by Prose Press. He’s also a contributor to the up and coming Prose Press release of, The Shadow sees the Sun: Creatives Surviving Depression. Jason is currently doing edits for Unknown: War Drums, a modern day paranormal horror with his father R. J. Holmes.
WHEN THE SHADOW SEES THE SUN is the realization of a concept of a brilliant creative mind that recognized certain things in himself, dark things. Things he thought he might not overcome. He conceived this idea, partly in jest, but more in earnest desire. A book focused on creative souls who experience depression and struggle with horrors that they exorcise by putting them to paper, but just can’t always let go of that way. He wanted there to be a book out there for creatives (and others who might benefit) by creatives to address the struggles so many endure and to offer ways to cope, to deal, and to move on. To overcome. Logan L. Masterson lost his battle with what plagued him on March 29, 2016. And this book, his idea, is now a reality, to help bring to light the issues creative souls do endure, many similar to anyone else, some unique to our own little family. All proceeds from this book will go to a variety of charities, local as well as state and national, to promote suicide intervention and prevention as well as to assist with working through and surviving depression, with a focus being on those who are artists, writers, performers, etc. affected by this. In these pages, authors John G. Hartness, Tim Byrd, Ernest Russell, Phillip Drayer Duncan, Mark Bousquet, Thomas R. Skidmore, Nikki Nelson-Hicks, Andrea Judy, Scott Hancock, Joe Hilliard, Herika R. Raymer, Melinda LaFevers, Alexander S. Brown, Joseph Lamere, Lee Houston Junior, Ethan Nahte, Kristi King-Morgan, Jason Holmes, Lou Mougin, Judy Wall Crump, Mark Steinwachs, Nancy Hansen, Chuck Miller, Aaron Smith, I. A. Watson, Neth Williams, Ellie Raine, Lisa Collins, Tommy B. Smith, H. C. Playa, Sean Taylor, M. B. Weston, JC Crumpton, Gordon Dymowski, J. H. Fleming, Jef Hewitt, and Jim D. Gillentine tear open their souls for you to read. Introduction by Julianna Robinson. Cover by Adam Shaw. And make no mistake. This book is about and because of Logan L. Masterson.
The world, even today, has its secrets. Lost cities, hidden artifacts, arcane and occult corners of the globe. And every forgotten civilization, every mysterious weapon or jewel, every legend cries out to be discovered, speaking to a very special sort of person, that character that has been the center of stories since the dawn of time. And now, four authors bring their talents to new tales of the hale and the hardy, the daring and the brave. Join Jason Fedora, Shannon Muir, Davide Mana, and Wayne Carey as they climb to the tips of pyramids and dive to the depths of caverns in EXPLORER PULP! From Pro Se Productions.