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PO Box 3929
Batesville, AR 72503

(870) 834-4022

Based in Batesville, Arkansas, Pro Se Productions has become a leader on the cutting edge of New Pulp Fiction in a very short time.

Pulp Fiction, known by many names and identified as being action/adventure, fast paced, hero versus villain, over the top characters and tight, yet extravagant plots, is experiencing a resurgence like never before. And Pro Se Press, publishing New Pulp since August, 2011, is a major part of the revival, one of the reasons that New Pulp is growing by leaps and bounds!

Pro Se is the place to find Super Heroes, Explorers, Fairies, Werewolves, Men's Men, and Femme Fatales.  Specializing primarily in prose books, anthologies, and magazines, Pro Se has made a commitment to 'Put the Monthly Back into Pulp' and continues to do that successfully, producing at least one New Pulp work every month!  

Pro Se is an innovator in New Pulp, continually refining its presentation and product and working on exciting new veins of New Pulp to bring to readers and fans of all ages everywhere!

Thad Brown-Author



After being born at an early age, Thad Brown made it through the K-12 educational system (though he didn’t like it).  From there, he went on to pick up a graduate degree or two, travel a bit in the U.S. and other countries, and become a writer, among other occupations (he assures us that all of them are legal!).  For thebackground of this book, though, the most important fact about him is that he’s a lifelong admirer of strong, brave heroines who face life without flinching, and especially of kickbutt heroines; and he’s happily married to the love of his life, who’s quite at home handling either a rifle or a pistol.  In his own words” “Some of her qualities went into each one of the heroines of the stories in the SGS collection, if it’s only  her good heart and fighting spirit; in its way, the book is my homage to her, and to all the other real-life heroines out there (with or without a gun), noticed or unnoticed.  So stand tall, ladies; us guys salute you!”

Ten women. Each one between a rock that might be her tombstone and a hard place that it may take a gun to blast her way out of. Author Thad Brown's collection of hard bitten, bullet paced fiction centered on women embroiled in violence and danger takes Pulp to a whole new level. Being a Woman often means fighting against all odds. And the women in Brown's tales are charter members of 'The Smoking Gun Sisterhood. A fantastic double barrelled collection from Author Thad Brown and Pro Se Productions. 
“Some of the ten titles might help to give you a fairly good idea of what to expect: Biker Angel; Cops and Robbers; Sisters, Dark and Light.... Brown has a nicely cinematic tone to his writing –it’s very easy to visualize proceedings in my mind’s eye as they unfolded, and the three entries mentioned above would all have potential as movies. … certainly comes recommended to action heroine fans. There’s plenty of variety in scenarios, and even the least of the tales is still fun to read. I think the overall attitude of the stories is what makes them work.”


Pro Se Productions announces its release of HOT SUN, HOT LEAD—a new Pro Se Single Shot from The Smoking Gun Sisterhood Author Thad Brown. With this tale mobsters and hard-boiled detectives, author Thad Brown introduces a new name to the growing roster of female shamuses in Pro Se Productions’ gamut of sleuths: Becca Grant. 

After months of trailing drug kingpin Carlos “El Diablo” Gonzalez, P.I. Becca Grant’s informant may finally have provided her with a shot at taking the cartel leader down, but with the boys in blue on strike, she has no one to back her up. Unwilling to let Gonzalez slip away again, Becca enlists the help of her tenacious yet unexperienced secretary, Tressa. Armed with only a couple 9mms and a .45, the two women set off to face Gonzalez and his goons on their own and put an end to his drug trafficking career.