Pro Se
Known as an innovative publisher of Genre Fiction and New Pulp, Pro Se Productions announces an open call for an anthology that takes a very popular genre-Sports Fiction- and serves it up as tough as possible- Hard Boiled Sports.
“It may seem strange,” says Tommy Hancock, Partner in and Editor in Chief of Pro Se Productions, “to have an anthology like this, but think about it. There have always been aspects to Sports, especially the professional variety as welll as how we see sports figures in movies, books, etc. that lend themselves to being able to tell a hard boiled tale in that world. Tough, two fisted boxers, conceited over the top ball players, hard bitten coaches and ex players, and the list goes on of who writers could pick from to pour through that hard boiled prism. Crime, drama, intrigue, deceit, and more abound in Sports, or at least we all think they do and have for awhile. This anthology almost writes itself.”
Hard Boiled Sports can be set in any time period up to the modern era, but stories focusing on the 20th and 21st Centuries will be given preference. Stories may focus on any sport, but there must definitely be a ‘hard boiled’ feel and theme to the story. Pro Se Productions will be seeking this as well as the inclusion of sports primarily.
Stories for Hard Boiled Sports must be 10,000 words in length. A proposal of 100-500 words must be submitted to Authors not previously published by Pro Se Productions must submit a writing sample of at least two pages with their proposals. Authors whose proposals are accepted must submit the first four pages of their accepted stories as quickly as possible for review by Pro Se staff. Final deadline for completed stories is 90 days following acceptance of proposals.
Hard Boiled Sports is scheduled for publication in late 2015 by Pro Se Productions.
For more information on this title, contact Morgan McKay, Pro Se’s Director of Corporate Operations, at
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