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PO Box 3929
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Based in Batesville, Arkansas, Pro Se Productions has become a leader on the cutting edge of New Pulp Fiction in a very short time.

Pulp Fiction, known by many names and identified as being action/adventure, fast paced, hero versus villain, over the top characters and tight, yet extravagant plots, is experiencing a resurgence like never before. And Pro Se Press, publishing New Pulp since August, 2011, is a major part of the revival, one of the reasons that New Pulp is growing by leaps and bounds!

Pro Se is the place to find Super Heroes, Explorers, Fairies, Werewolves, Men's Men, and Femme Fatales.  Specializing primarily in prose books, anthologies, and magazines, Pro Se has made a commitment to 'Put the Monthly Back into Pulp' and continues to do that successfully, producing at least one New Pulp work every month!  

Pro Se is an innovator in New Pulp, continually refining its presentation and product and working on exciting new veins of New Pulp to bring to readers and fans of all ages everywhere!


© 2009 Pro Se Productions, llc. All Rights Reserved


Pro Se

Pro Se Productions, an innovative publisher of New Pulp and Genre Fiction, announces the release of its newest digest novel.  What happens when a once super hero cannot seem to escape the danger and chaos of his former life?  Author Frank Byrns pulls back the cape and mask to show readers in Adonis Morgan: Nobody Special, now available from Pro Se.

“Deconstructing a hero,” says Tommy Hancock, Editor in Chief of and Partner in Pro Se Productions, “is a popular theme in fiction today.  What Frank Byrns does, though, in this book, is something different.  He takes a larger than life powered type and shows us what comes after he stops being a costumed super hero.  Adonis Morgan: Nobody Special is more noir than deconstuction, more gritty realism – as much as can be had in a book about a guy who called himself The Phenom – than intentional breaking down of an archetype.  Frank pulls off something very few authors achieve.  He makes Adonis Morgan seem both heroic and flawed simultaneously and that is why readers will find Adonis Morgan: Nobody Special to be something extraordinary.”

Adonis Morgan used to be a hero. As The Phenom, he kept the Arizona desert safe from trouble, masked or otherwise. But it didn't take. Now, he lives among the rest of us, keeping his head down, avoiding trouble. But trouble has a way of finding him in author Frank Byrns’ Adonis Morgan: Nobody Special from Pro Se Productions.

From the lonely boulevards of Hollywood to the deadly streets of Jefferson Falls, these five stories follow Morgan’s journey from hero to stuntman to cab driver, each step more desperate than the last, before finally finding himself on the most treacherous path of all: a campaign trail that leads him right back to where it all started. An extraordinary man searching desperately for an ordinary life makes Adonis Morgan: Nobody Special a thrilling, action packed collection and a must have for fans of Genre Fiction.

Featuring a stylish cover by artist Rick Johnson and cover/logo design and print formatting by Percival Constantine, Adonis Morgan: Nobody Special is available in print at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Pro Se’s own store at for $9.00.  Adonis Morgan will be fighting for his life as an ebook as well in coming days.

For more information on this title, interviews with the authors, or digital copies for review, contact Morgan McKay, Pro Se’s Director of Corporate Operations, at

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