Pro Se
A leading independent publisher of Genre Fiction, Pro Se Productions announces the release of the first volume of a new Fantasy series from debut author Kayla Larson. Two Forces clash, threatening to destroy one magnificent world, in Larson’s The Wolf Warriors.
“Some believe,” says Tommy Hancock, Partner in and Editor-in-Chief of Pro Se Productions, “that epic fantasy and New Pulp don’t go together. That Fantasy has to be either savage and barbaric, straight through action and fighting or the higher concept of dealing with politics, of the various forces affecting a world. What Kayla does with The Wolf Warriors is deftly intermingle the two usually separate types of fantasy. What is at its core a war with multiple facets, this story is also the very human, very pulpy journey of people integral to what is to come. Good and Evil boil down to individuals who stand toe-to-toe with destiny in this book and that makes The Wolf Warriors well worth reading.“
The gods are at war, The land of Argethlam is beset by hard times, and Atreyavahl is near collapse because of the assassination of their Queen Viesha a century before. A prophecy tells that the god of darkness, Ardeth Anubace’s Black Wolf will bring the fall of the Inner Kingdom and then Argethlam, leading the world into Ardeth’s rule. But Ramos Ra, the Sire-God, created his own champion, the White Wolf to defeat the Black Wolf and purge the land of Ardeth’s curse.
Mercenary daemon Debello has wandered Argethlam for 100 years with amnesia. He searches for the only clue to his past, a daemon named Vaulx. Once pieces start to come together, Debello soon realizes his forgotten memories were to a life hidden in the Inner Kingdom of Atreyavahl. And that he may indeed be one of the Wolves of the prophecy. But which one? Ardeth’s Black Wolf, a paragon of death and destruction? Or Ra’s White Wolf, the only hope Debello’s world has? Is Debello Life…or Death? Author Kayla Larson brings a new world to stark life surrounded by ever-present death in her debut novel and the first in a series.
The Wolf Warriors features haunting cover art by Anna Podedworna and logo design and print formatting by Percival Constantine. This first volume in the new fantasy series is available at Amazon and at Pro Se’s own store at http://tinyurl.com/l8o97qr for only $12.00. The book will be available in various digital formats in coming days.
For more information on this title, interviews with the author, or digital copies for review, contact Morgan McKay, Pro Se’s Director of Corporate Operations, at directorofcorporateoperations@prose-press.com.
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